Destinations: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

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Bwindi I impenetrable National Park (BINP) covers an area of 321km2 between 1,160m and 2.607m above sea level. Bwindi was gazette as a National Park in 1991 and declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage site in 1994. The Mubare gorilla group at Buhoma was the first to be habituated for tourism in Bwindi in April 1993. A total of fifteen groups have now been habituated for tourism and are tracked from four trailheads.

Uganda’s foremost tourist attraction, and indeed one of the world’s most remarkable wildlife encounters, is tracking mountain gorillas through the remote Bwindi impenetrable forest of south-western Uganda. These magnificent apes are both rare and endangered; their total population numbers less than 800 animals divided between the forests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is the world’s primary mountain gorilla tracking destination.

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