13-Day Mt. Rwenzori and Gorilla Trekking

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  • 13-Day Mt. Rwenzori and Gorilla Trekking


We offer two alternative Routes to climb the Rwenzori Mountains. One starts at the Nakalengija Base which is the most common and most popularly known, The second is a new Route starting at the Kyanjiki Base in Kilembe, which is a day longer but perhaps more rewarding in terms of Scenery.

Trip Highlights

  • arrival at Entebbe Airport
  • Drive to Kasese
  • Nyakalengija (1615M) – Nyabitaba Hut (2651M)
  • Nyabitaba (2651M) – Mubuku River (2600M) John Matte Hut (3505M)
  • John Matte (3505M) To Bujuku (3962M)
  • 3962M) To Elena Hut (4541M)
  • Elena Hut (4541M) To Margherita Peak – Kitandara Hut (4023M)
  • Kitandara (4023M) – Fresh Field Pass (4282M) – Guy Yeoman (3505M)
  • Guy Yeoman (3505M) – Nyabitaba (2651M)
  • Nyabitaba (2651M) – Nyakalengija (1615M)
  • Drive To Lake Bunyonyi
  • Gorilla Trekking
  • Drive to Kampala

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13-Day Mt. Rwenzori and Gorilla Trekking